5 Tips for Better Living by Listening to My Body - Singapore Beauty, Parenting & Lifestyle Blog

5 Tips for Better Living by Listening to My Body

Friday, October 03, 2014

Whenever I tell people around me be it family, friends or coworkers that age is catching up with me, they would go, "Oh c'mon, you are barely in your late twenties." But honestly speaking, as the years goes by, I feel that I get more worn out easily. 

When I was in Uni, I could stay up to as late as 3 or 5am and I could make it through the day after still. However, after I started working, I often found myself tired, restless and even up to the point of feeling fatigue even though I go to bed before 12am. I even experience heart-palpitations at times!

It persisted for a while and then I thought to myself that I have to do something about it.

1) Healthy diet

First, I changed my diet by cutting down on carbs. I would have an apple along with oats for breakfast instead of fried bee hoon or kaya toast. For lunch, I would have salads instead of rice because rice makes me feel too sleepy thereafter.

2) Exercise

Call me unhealthy but I didn't really get down to exercising much after I started working until late last year. By exercising regularly, I felt more energized and I could sleep better too.

3) Motivational quotes

I don't know about you but I love quotes. They never fail to give me an extra boost of morale whenever I need it. One of my personal favourite is - Success is not final failure is not fatal by Winston Churchill.

4) Doing things that makes me happy

It could be spending time with my loved ones, reading a book or making a sumptuous meal for myself.
5) Alone time

Call me a loner but I need my alone time. As much as an extrovert I am, I have an introvert side. Although I love to spend time with my loved ones, I do need some me time to myself where I can escape from the bustling surroundings


Do you listen to your body? What are some of the things you do to lead a happier and healthier life? Do share with me by 3 October 2014, 1159pm and stand a chance to win the following worth SGD100:

- 2 boxes of 12s Brand's Essence of Chicken
- 1 bottle of Brand's Essence of Chicken with Iron +VitB Complex

To participate, simply follow me on Instagram, @yongwei318 comment on my Instagram post (shown below), hashtag #ListeningToMyBody and tell me what you do to lead a happier and healthier life.

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