Pastel Marble Nails by Nailz Haus - Singapore Beauty, Parenting & Lifestyle Blog

Pastel Marble Nails by Nailz Haus

Monday, October 10, 2016

nailz haus imm

A few days before our anniversary, I booked myself a gelish manicure and classic pedicure session at Nailz Haus IMM.

Upon entering and seated by my nail technician, I was served warm tea.  

nailz haus imm review

I decided to go for a minimalist look this time round, consisting of marble nails with accompanying neutral hues in pink and grey. 

After approximately 1h 45mins, my nails were done and here's how they look!

nailz haus review

nailz haus imm gelish manicure

For my pedicure, I chose a sweet baby pink. I like how sanitary Nailz Haus is, particularly during the pedicure session as they change a new blade for the foot file for each customer.

nailz haus imm classic pedicure


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Classic Manicure + Pedicure + Hand Scrub @ $45 (UP: S$66)

Nailz Haus
2 Jurong East Street 21

IMM building #02-29
Singapore 609601

6566 5676

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