Perspirex review - Singapore Beauty, Parenting & Lifestyle Blog

Perspirex review

Thursday, January 21, 2016

I haven't reviewed any antiperspirant prior to this but I must share this amazing life-changing product that I have been using lately that's now on my holy-grail list!

If you have trouble with excessive perspiration or feel conscious about your sweat smell, read on to find out what Perspirex can do for you!

perspirex review

Perspirex comes in a packaging identical to your regular roll-on deodorant. 

I wear Perspirex in the morning before heading out for work. Even though I still perspire after application, I realised that my perspiration didn't smell - it was odorless unlike the times when I have my regular deodorant on. And I thought to myself that Perspirex could be the best anti-perspirant for date nights and special occasions, particularly weddings as it eliminates unpleasant smells that causes embarrassment. 

Believe it a not, I was quite skeptical of Perspirex's product claims, particularly the one-liner that says one application lasts for 5 days. After trying Perspirex out for myself, I concluded that one application lasts for about 2-3 days which could be due to the humidity in Singapore. 

Word of caution - be sure not to apply Perspirex right after hair removal be it shaving, waxing or using depilatory cream as it stings and create discomfort.

Price list:
Perspirex SGD $25

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